Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Hair show, and my finished hair!

I got up at 5:30am today and got ready to head to hair, makeup and rehersal for 7:00am. The show was held at Rocky Mounteneer Station and it was an absolutly AMAZING show! We started our portion of the hair show at 1:30pm so all in all I spent about five and a half hours in hair and makeup, and an hour in rehersal and wardrobe. My hair ended up being cut and styled on stage by a colligue of Chad's named Shane. He is a really great hair dresser and I like my hair even more now that it's all finished. Everyone just looked so beautiful, the transformation on all the models was just astonishing. They were turned from already beautiful girls into drop dead gorgous models. I felt a little nervous at the beginning, but once I stepped on stage I felt right at home, I felt like this is something I am meant to do. This was a really fantastic experiance and I can't wait to do it again. Joico is having another show in Victoria sometime soon, and they asked me if I would like to be in their show. They asked me for my number and told me they would call me, so hopefully they call me sometime in the near future. I have gained a lot of confedance from this ecperiance and I feel as though I have learned a lot about myself and how to stay confedant and in a good head space. I wont let anything hold me back, and I will never stop trying! I never thought I would be here doing this, but even though i'm short, have scars and am a little more curvey than most models I still have worked with some pretty amazing people in the fashion idustry. It just goes to show you that you really can do anything if you put your mind to it. My goal is to create art in all forms, with no limitations and I will stop at nothing to acheive that goal. I should be getting some photos from back stage in the next few days and hopefully some photos of the show. I had a few videos from our trip to Vancouver but I am unable to post them due to technical problems, I will however post more photos at a later date. I'll update again soon, but for now I must go as I have to get up early once again and catch the Ferry back to Victoria, Home sweet home.

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks amazing...beautiful precision cut. You look so cute! Sounds like you had a blast; so happy it all went well for you! :)
